Posts tagged drinking
Should You Really Quit Drinking Soda?

It’s 11:00 AM … you are done with your coffee. It isn’t lunch time, but you you are ready for something. So, you head on over to the fridge and crack open a cold soda. Sound familiar?! Now its 3:00 and you are TIRED! You need a little caffeine boost, so you crack open another soda to get you through your day. Girl, I was right there with you! This was me … I was literally addicted to soda … my weapon of choice? Regular Coke. Ahh … the hit that cold Coke would provide was just the relief I craved. I equate it to lighting up a cigarette … your body craves it until you give it another hit. Are you raising your hand right now saying, “Wow … she is talking about me!”? If this is you, let’s chat for a bit about sodas.

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