Posts tagged water
What To Do When Your Weight Loss Has Plateaued

You’ve tried everything, and you STILL can’t seem to shed those pesky pounds…

Frustrating is an understatement when it comes to finding yourself in a weight loss plateau. There is so much noise in the marketplace about what you should be doing, that it is easy to find yourself overwhelmed and discouraged when you seem to try everything and nothing seems to work for you. Can I get an Amen?!

If you find that you are in a plateau, here are a couple of my top tips to help you bust through that plateau.

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Should You Really Quit Drinking Soda?

It’s 11:00 AM … you are done with your coffee. It isn’t lunch time, but you you are ready for something. So, you head on over to the fridge and crack open a cold soda. Sound familiar?! Now its 3:00 and you are TIRED! You need a little caffeine boost, so you crack open another soda to get you through your day. Girl, I was right there with you! This was me … I was literally addicted to soda … my weapon of choice? Regular Coke. Ahh … the hit that cold Coke would provide was just the relief I craved. I equate it to lighting up a cigarette … your body craves it until you give it another hit. Are you raising your hand right now saying, “Wow … she is talking about me!”? If this is you, let’s chat for a bit about sodas.

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