Top Tips For Holiday Self Care top tips for holiday self care mom health wellness sleep food eat meal planning Christmas Thanksgiving

The holidays are just around the corner… are you ready?

You know that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are just around the corner, and while fun and exciting, they can also add a ton to your to-do list, right?!

This is the time of year when it is so important to make time for yourself and some self-care!

Here are some of my top tips for holiday self care to make the upcoming holidays your most relaxing yet!

  1. Plan ahead. This is such a broad statement, but hear me out. Take 15 minutes with a calendar and look at what you have coming up and make notes of any potential challenging weeks that will require an extra draw on your time and energy. These are the weeks you should see what you can plan ahead for by knocking out anything that you can ahead of time. Think ordering Christmas cards now, shopping for dry goods that you know that you will need, starting your Christmas shopping, order gift-wrapping supplies, etc. The more that you can knock out early, the less stressed that you will be. During these busy times consider pulling out a freezer/crock-pot meal(s) out of your freezer to make dinner a breeze. Not too busy now? Make a couple of freezer dinners! Make one for now, and freeze one for the busy holiday evenings.

  2. Set the scene! Love the sights, sounds, and smells of the holiday season? Buy some candles and light them around your home. Listen to your favorite holiday music, read some holiday books, watch holiday movies, and make a plan to cook/bake your holiday favorites.

  3. Schedule time to unplug. Put your phone on do not disturb, draw a bath and USE that special soap or bath bomb! Pour a glass of wine, and watch that Netflix Christmas movie while you escape the world with a relaxing bath. Baths not your thing? Pop in some headphones and go for a walk listening to your favorite holiday music or movie. Bad weather? Go for a drive, play that music, and really take note of the nature around you. Take deep breaths and relax your body!

  4. Get some sleep. Not ready to wind down after dinner? Set a stop time for the evening and stick to it. Get into bed (preferably with some cozy flannel sheets and your most comfy and cozy pj’s ) before you are sleepy. This signals to your body and brain that it is time to start unwinding. Be sure to set a time to turn off that tv show. Don’t get sucked down the Netflix rabbit hole!

  5. Don’t be in a hurry. If you are intentional about planning ahead now, you will be able to S-L-O-W down and really enjoy the season and all that it brings. Be sure to stop, slow down, and force yourself to live in the moment!

I hope that whatever your holiday looks like that you are able to slow down and really savor all that this seasons brings. May peace and joy be yours this holiday season!

Be safe & be well!

