Fat Bombs?!

healthy fats, www.stephaniestanleywellness.com/fatbombs,  hormone health, health, wellness, snacks, healthy snacks, mom, mom life, over 40 woman, snacks for healthy hormones

Fat bombs?! …. What?!?

Are you familiar with fat bombs? If not, this post is for YOU! 

A fat bomb is quite literally a hit of healthy fats. So, you may be asking why someone would want to purposely to eat fat?  We have all be programmed to think that fat is bad, and that fat makes you fat. Yeah, do you think that is true too?  Listen up … fat is SO important to your diet, especially for females!  Fat not only keeps you satiated, but it helps to regulate your hormones.

As females we have been programmed to think that all fats makes us fat.  Now, let me clarify that when I am talking about fats, I am talking healthy fats … think olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, avocados, nut butters … I am not talking about chicken nuggets, French fries, etc.

Ingesting enough fat (roughly 40-80 grams per day) for females helps to regulate hormones as well.  Struggling with feeling tired all of the time, not sleeping through the night, feeling irritable?  These are all signs of hormone imbalances … especially if you are over 40. I encourage you to increase your healthy fats and give your hormones a break. 

Fat bombs are a great way to get a hit of healthy fats to help protect your hormone health.  These little nuggets are not only healthy, but they are also YUMMY!!! 

The fat bombs in the picture above are not only tasty, but they are easy to make, and store beautifully in the freezer.  Are you ready to try some?  You can find this and other recipes in my FREE downloadable snack guide that you can find here. I also have a ton of fat bomb recipes you can find on my Pinterest page here.

Give them a try and let me know what you think!  Your body and hormones will thank you!

Be safe, and be well!

