Posts tagged mom life
Are You Killing Your Metabolism?

You are doing all of the “correct” things …

You are eating healthy, you are watching your calories, and are working out every day. So why aren’t the pounds coming off? There is nothing more frustrating than to be doing all of the things, and see no results, am I right?!

Everything from the health and wellness communities, the television, social media … they all tell you the same thing. If you want to see results, you need to workout more and eat less. They explain that it is a simple “calorie in, calorie out” equation. While being in a calorie deficit is a part of weight loss, too much deficit can stall your progress and make any type of weight loss next to impossible.

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How To Beat Stress In 2021

So you were hoping that the turn of the calendar page to January and leaving 2020 in the dust would magically change things and your stress levels would be reduced, right? I am here to admit that I was hoping for the same!

As we are now almost half way through the month, your stress level may not be where you were hoping it would be for 2021. If this is you, I want to share with you my top tips for beating stress in 2021!

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The Secret To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed!

‘Tis the season for overwhelm and the never ending to-do list am I right? As I type this I am staring a a to-do list that is long, and my mind is rolling through another mental list of things that I “can’t forget to do”, or need to remember to add to another list. I bet that this scenario sounds all too familiar right?

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