Posts tagged meal ideas
5 Common Myths About Dieting

There is so much information out there that it is hard to know what is will really work for you. Along with all of that information, there is some really BAD advice on ways that you can drop the weight you are so desperate to lose.

Today I wanted to dispel five of the most common myths about dieting. I think you might be surprised by what you read! 😉

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No Time To Cook?!

Want to know a secret to having more time? Cook once, eat twice!

When I am meal planning, I really try to cognizant of not only our schedule, but what couple of recipes that I really want to make or am craving!

If I am cooking chicken for a recipe that I really want to make, I cook that chicken once, and use that leftover chicken for another dinner later in the week like tacos, or soup, and I also triple dip and make extra for my lunches!

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