Top 3 Reasons Going Gluten Free And Dairy Free Will Help You Lose Weight  intermittent fasting dairy dairy-free gluten gluten-free working mom intermittent fasting fasterway to fat loss carb cycling inflammation…

You may have heard that going gluten free or dairy free will help you to drop some of the stubborn weight, right?

Maybe it made you pause and wonder why these things would make a difference when it comes to dropping those pesky pounds. Here is the thing … foods with dairy and gluten have been genetically modified and often times lead to inflammation in our bodies. Many people are sensitive to dairy and/or gluten and do not even realize it! Often times sensitivities to these foods do not appear until later in life making them harder to identify and diagnose.

Still not convinced that you should go dairy free/gluten free? I’m going to share the top three reasons why going gluten free and dairy free with help you lose weight:  intermittent fasting bloat gluten carb cycling dairy-free working mom lose weight faster way to fat loss mom life eat whole foods mom life
  1. You are tired all of the time. The last thing you feel like you can do is move your body or make any changes to your health and wellness as living life each day already wears you out.

    Sound familiar? So you tell yourself that tonight you will “get to bed early” thinking that more sleep will cure your fatigue. Then you wake up feeling exhausted and can’t figure out why. Both dairy and gluten sensitivities can manifest in unexplained fatigue. This fatigue is often times dismissed as a “busy day” or a “busy week”. If you are feeling constantly fatigued for no apparent reason try going gluten and diary free!

  2. You are experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort.

    Inflammation caused from dairy and/or gluten is often the culprit of your gastrointestinal discomfort. The gluten protein gliadin and glutenin are two of the suspects that cause challenges for people, and are found in wheat, spelt, rye, and barley. Still drinking milk and consuming dairy? Most people stop producing lactose by the age of five. Our bodies really aren’t meant to consume much past that age. There are many delicious non-dairy options on the market, so don’t be afraid to try something new!

  3. You are eating a ton of processed foods.

    In the FASTer Way To Fat Loss we encourage eating a whole food diet. A simple rule of thumb when determining if a food would be considered a whole food or not is to ask yourself if the food “comes from the ground or has a mother”. Nearly all whole foods are gluten-free! Reducing the amount of processed foods, including those with gluten and diary will feed your body with food that it can easily digest and will aid in better body system function and the bonus, fat loss!

So, how does all of this add up to losing weight? When you are working so hard to get healthy and well by moving your body, getting sleep, drinking water, and eating healthy, it can be so frustrating when you don’t see the results that you are looking for. In an effort to get healthy, you may be, unintentionally sabotaging your efforts to do so with these inflammatory foods. When your body is inflamed, it is in survival mode and it is trying to counteract the things that are causing the inflammation. This causes your body to set fat loss to the side, thereby hampering your efforts to lose that dreaded fat!

Ready to learn more about how you can work WITH your body instead of against it to see the fat loss results that you are looking for? If you are ready to burn fat, increase your energy, and feel leaner and stronger than ever before, you are ready to join the FASTer Way To Fat Loss!

Be well friends!

