Fat Bombs?!

A fat bomb is quite literally a hit of healthy fats. So, you may be asking why someone would want to purposely to eat fat? We have all be programmed to think that fat is bad, and that fat makes you fat. Yeah, do you think that is true too? Listen up … fat is SO important to your diet, especially for females! Fat not only keeps you satiated, but it helps to regulate your hormones.

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Should You Be Intermittent Fasting?

You probably have heard all of the fuss and buzz around intermittent fasting, but maybe you still aren’t really sure about it is all about, or why you would even consider doing it … if that is you, you are in the right place! And … I have an extensive FREE resource on intermittent fasting to make it EASY for you to start today!

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Should You Really Quit Drinking Soda?

It’s 11:00 AM … you are done with your coffee. It isn’t lunch time, but you you are ready for something. So, you head on over to the fridge and crack open a cold soda. Sound familiar?! Now its 3:00 and you are TIRED! You need a little caffeine boost, so you crack open another soda to get you through your day. Girl, I was right there with you! This was me … I was literally addicted to soda … my weapon of choice? Regular Coke. Ahh … the hit that cold Coke would provide was just the relief I craved. I equate it to lighting up a cigarette … your body craves it until you give it another hit. Are you raising your hand right now saying, “Wow … she is talking about me!”? If this is you, let’s chat for a bit about sodas.

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Is it REALLY that important to meal plan?

I get it … we are all SO busy! We are making meal decisions on the fly and often find ourselves standing at the fridge with the door open trying to figure out what to serve your family for dinner. Does this sound at all familiar?

Today I am going to share with you my top meal planning tips to help you make this a streamlined process, and give you a couple of freebies to make meal planning even easier!

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No Time To Cook?!

Want to know a secret to having more time? Cook once, eat twice!

When I am meal planning, I really try to cognizant of not only our schedule, but what couple of recipes that I really want to make or am craving!

If I am cooking chicken for a recipe that I really want to make, I cook that chicken once, and use that leftover chicken for another dinner later in the week like tacos, or soup, and I also triple dip and make extra for my lunches!

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Are Sugar Cravings Getting The Best Of You?

Sugar cravings .... are you having them right now?

Stress and uncertainty can trigger cravings for sugary foods. The temporary high that the sugar provides feels good, and is soothing.... for the time being. Those first few bites are pure bliss. The problem with sugar is that the more you ingest the more you crave. It's a vicious cycle that leaves you feeling tired, moody, and wanting more sugar to combat the low that always follows.

So, what can you do?

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Why Eating Breakfast Is Making You Fat

Want to shed fat? Stop eating breakfast! You heard that right!

Here’s why…Unless you allow your body to go into a fasted state, you will continue to spin your wheels burning glycogen and leaving your fat right where it is.

If you’ve been eating clean, exercising insanely, and following all of the “rules” but are still…

  • holding onto fat around the midsection

  • feeling low on energy

  • hitting a wall of exhaustion mid-afternoon everyday…

then it’s time to switch things up!

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Stephanie Stanley