7 Tips for Getting Started on a Healthy Lifestyle

There's no single answer to the question of how to get started with a healthy lifestyle. Every person's needs are different, and what works for one person might not work for another. However, there are some general tips that can help everyone get started on the path to better health. Here are seven tips to get you started.

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Top 8 Tips For Staying Motivated To Workout

Are you struggling to find the motivation to work out? Are you finding yourself making every excuse in the book not to go to the gym or take a walk outdoors? In this blog post, we will share with you my top 5 tips for staying motivated to work out. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals in no time!

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The Truth About Fat Loss and Menopause

It's no secret that menopause can be a difficult time for many women. Hormone imbalances in women's health can lead to an increase in unwanted weight, night sweats, hot flashes, and a host of other issues. But did you know that menopause can also make it harder to lose weight?

In this article, I will discuss some of the best ways to lose weight during menopause. I will talk about how menopause can affect your weight, and I will offer some advice on how to overcome these challenges. I will also provide some helpful tips on how to stay motivated and focused throughout your weight loss journey.

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Top 3 Reasons Going Gluten Free And Dairy Free Will Help You Lose Weight

You may have heard that going gluten free or dairy free will help you to drop some of the stubborn weight, right?

Maybe it made you pause and wonder why these things would make a difference when it comes to dropping those pesky pounds. Here is the thing … foods with dairy and gluten have been genetically modified and often times lead to inflammation in our bodies. Many people are sensitive to dairy and/or gluten and do not even realize it! Often times sensitivities to these foods do not appear until later in life making them harder to identify and diagnose.

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Is Skipping This One Thing Keeping You From Reaching Your Goals?

I know what you are thinking … you need to eat less and workout more if you want to reach your goals right?

If you have followed me for any length of time, you know that eating enough of the right foods at the right time is the most important aspect of weight loss. Adding workouts in, while not necessary, will kick your results up a notch. But, today I wanted to talk about a component of a healthy lifestyle that is often ignored and overlooked but is an extremely important component of a healthy lifestyle, and that is active recovery.

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Are You Killing Your Metabolism?

You are doing all of the “correct” things …

You are eating healthy, you are watching your calories, and are working out every day. So why aren’t the pounds coming off? There is nothing more frustrating than to be doing all of the things, and see no results, am I right?!

Everything from the health and wellness communities, the television, social media … they all tell you the same thing. If you want to see results, you need to workout more and eat less. They explain that it is a simple “calorie in, calorie out” equation. While being in a calorie deficit is a part of weight loss, too much deficit can stall your progress and make any type of weight loss next to impossible.

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5 Common Myths About Dieting

There is so much information out there that it is hard to know what is will really work for you. Along with all of that information, there is some really BAD advice on ways that you can drop the weight you are so desperate to lose.

Today I wanted to dispel five of the most common myths about dieting. I think you might be surprised by what you read! 😉

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What To Do When Your Weight Loss Has Plateaued

You’ve tried everything, and you STILL can’t seem to shed those pesky pounds…

Frustrating is an understatement when it comes to finding yourself in a weight loss plateau. There is so much noise in the marketplace about what you should be doing, that it is easy to find yourself overwhelmed and discouraged when you seem to try everything and nothing seems to work for you. Can I get an Amen?!

If you find that you are in a plateau, here are a couple of my top tips to help you bust through that plateau.

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How To Beat Stress In 2021

So you were hoping that the turn of the calendar page to January and leaving 2020 in the dust would magically change things and your stress levels would be reduced, right? I am here to admit that I was hoping for the same!

As we are now almost half way through the month, your stress level may not be where you were hoping it would be for 2021. If this is you, I want to share with you my top tips for beating stress in 2021!

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The Top Three Reasons You Aren't Seeing The Results You Want!

Are you doing all of the “right” things and still not seeing the results you want?

There is SO much noise in the marketplace when it comes to getting healthy, that it is hard to know what is actually going to work for you, right?! When you push aside all of the flash, sparkle, and pizzazz of hundreds of programs telling you to choose them, there are three basic reasons why people do not see the results they are seeking. If you are embarking on a new health and wellness journey to start feeling like your old self, you are going to want to be sure that you check these out!

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How To Enjoy Holiday Treats Without The Guilt

It happens every year … the holidays come and they bring some delicious treats. You tell yourself that you will “only eat one”, and then you get that first taste, and then you can’t stop … sound familiar?

It is not uncommon to get to holiday time and feel like you have no self control around treats. Here is the thing … living life means having the treats! The trick is learning how to incorporate the treats so you can enjoy them guilt free!

Here are my top tips to enjoy holiday treats without the guilt!

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The Secret To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed!

‘Tis the season for overwhelm and the never ending to-do list am I right? As I type this I am staring a a to-do list that is long, and my mind is rolling through another mental list of things that I “can’t forget to do”, or need to remember to add to another list. I bet that this scenario sounds all too familiar right?

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These 3 Tips Will Totally Transform Your Sleep!

Are you looking for better sleep?

Struggles to fall asleep, or stay asleep affects roughly 1:3 Americans. Sleep is so important to our health and wellness. Sleep affords our bodies time to repair … muscles, organs, and other cells are repaired during sleep. When we skimp on our sleep, we weaken our immune system, you aren’t able to think as clearly, and your appetite will increase.

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Most People Are Making This Huge Mistake ... Are You?

The “only” way to lose weight is to under eat and over exercise right?!

What if that mentality was causing you more harm than good? Listen, we have been programmed to think that to lose weight we need to eat less and workout more. This is one of the most common things I hear as a health and wellness coach! All of the messages you hear tell you that this is the only way to actually drop weight. There are quite a few problems with this way of thinking!

Let’s start with undereating. This is the easiest way see results fast … BUT it comes at a price.

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Top Tips For Staying Healthy During The Holidays

It’s almost here! Are you excited? I am sure that of any year, 2020 is the year that you are SO ready to celebrate the holidays right?!?

As exciting as the holidays are, they can also be draining and overwhelming, and this year is no different!

These tips will help you have the energy to enjoy all things holiday and will help you to feel in control and keep the stress at bay.

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Top Tips For Holiday Self Care

The holidays are just around the corner… are you ready?

You know that the hustle and bustle of the holidays are just around the corner, and while fun and exciting, they can also add a ton to your to-do list, right?!

This is the time of year when it is so important to make time for yourself and some self-care!

Here are some of my top tips for holiday self care to make the upcoming holidays your most relaxing yet!

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